Kimbell Teen Council
January 24, 2024
Kimbell Teen Summer Studio
June 13-16, 2023
The Landscape: Place & Space
Visiting Artists: Erika Jaeggli & Sarah DePetris
Day 1 (afternoon)
Drawing from the Kimbell Collection in Asian gallery
· Make 10 thumbnail sketches in sketchbook that show different perspectives of same place (using any materials)
· Start collecting images of landscape for final painting - 10+ each day
Day 2 (afternoon)
Share progress, ideas, reflections
Drawing from the Kimbell Collection in Maya Art Exhibition
Drawing in Studio
Brainstorm for final project
Make 5 sketches for final project
Finish sourcing imagery to paint from
Write a few sentences about your landscape, perspective, place — summarize your idea
Day 3 (afternoon)
Share progress, review morning painting
Rebecca Brand educational tour of Maya Exhibition
Paint studies for final painting, work on final painting in studio