The Cave
Union Gallery, Denton, TX 2020
‘The Cave’, site-specific installation, Union Gallery, Denton, TX, 2020.
The Cave
For some time I have been drawn to caves, voids and dark places. My interest in voids has led me to dive deeper into space imagery and intracavitary spaces of the body. These unseeable voids embody the slippery idea of Freud’s Uncanny - the commingling of the familiar and strange - they are at once intriguing and repellant. I also spent a lot of time looking at the temporary medical tents that have sprung up in hospitals and municipalities around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. The iconic white tents create an artificial protection and temporary shelter; they are symbols of the isolation and distancing we all have come to endure. The painted and stained treatment on my fabric references the stain of contagion and the virus. This installation is the culmination of months of research, plans, scrapping of plans, and dialogue with a lot of people. This installation was part of a three-person show with artists Maria Villanueva and Victoria Gonzales entitled ‘Territorial’ on view September 7 - 17, 2020 at the UNT Union Gallery in Denton, TX.